Meet the Brewer: River North Brewery

We're super pumped to announce our next event in the Meet the Brewer series! Back when we first sent out feelers to breweries about the event series, Patrick at River North Brewery jumped on board right away! We couldn't be happier! Nestled in the heart of the RiNo district of Downtown Denver, River North has been producing belgian style beers out of part of Flying Dog's old space (before they moved to Maryland) since February of 2012. If you’ve ever been to their tasting room, you know that a line starts forming around 30 minutes before they even open, just to get a seat!Like many Colorado Breweries, they’ve been growing in leaps and bounds, adding fermentation space and barrels wherever they fit. River North likes to brew in a "yeast-centric" way, where much of the time the hardest work is done by the yeast itself. By pushing the yeast to its upward limits, River North is able to create unique flavors that expand on the standard Belgian-styles we all know and love. While their Belgian-style beers have helped solidify them as a premier Colorado brewery, their barrel-aging program is launching them to new heights.Recently, they began aging beer in barrels that previously contained classic cocktails. Their first offering, Grand Unified Theory, is an imperial witbier aged in boulevardier cocktail barrels. A boulevardier, if you're not familiar, is a classic cocktail prepared by mixing equal parts bourbon, vermouth, and campari and serving over ice with an orange peel garnish. River North’s version is aged in barrels that previously held bourbon, sweet vermouth and bitter orange liqueur, which should lend a nice spicy citrus note to the beer. We’re excited to try Grand Unified Theory at the event!River North has two other cocktail-aged brews coming down the pipeline soon as well. Their Big City Quad is a quadrupel that has been aged in Manhattan barrels, and the Barrel Blonde will be aged in a blend of whiskey, Boulevardier and Manhattan barrels. Expect to see bottles of each in stores later this summer.We know you already knew all that, so here's what we've got on tap (and in bottles) for the event:River North WhiteJ. MarieGrand Unified TheoryRiver North IPAAvariceBarrel Aged Reserve 2014

RiverNorthMTBWe hope you all can make it out for what looks to be a great evening!Meet the Brewer: River North BreweryAugust 7th, 7pmFront Range BBQ, 2330 W Colorado AveCost: Pay per pint


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