Springs Beer Fest Recap

How great was the Springs Beer Fest on Saturday?  Check out our photo recap!This sold out event featured nearly 60 breweries from around Colorado and beyond.  People lined up well before the main gates opened at noon, and a select few checked out the event an hour early via their VIP tickets.  Great beer, tons of sun (so welcome after a very rainy week), and a good time were had by all.  Looking forward to next year’s event! The calm before the storm.  You can see they had the park ringed with the many brewers.  Plenty of room for the crowd to spread out.The line to get in stretched around the park in both directions from the entrance.  This was mere moments before the gates were opened. Let the Fest Begin!  Once the gates opened, the crowd filled up the nearest stands quickly. People do get excited about a good beer fest. I'm a big fan of stainless pint glasses.  Upadowna was selling these lovely items at the fest.Lines moved quickly.  It was easy to get to the beer.  It also was not at all crowded.  They planned well for the capacity.  A well executed fest!


Springs Brew News: Swing Releases, Space Beer and More


Meet the Brewer: River North Brewery