Mexican Logger: Simply What Beer Is All About

There are numerous Colorado beers that I could say have been a favorite of mine. My ‘favorites list’ changes on a weekly basis because so many breweries continue to push the limits of what's possible. I made it a point for the last few years to try as many beers as possible. I’ve had some of the most experimental, exciting beers that any beer geek would go crazy for. I’ve had Double Black IPA’s aged in oak barrels, beers with two adjunct ingredients for every color in the rainbow, IPA’s steeped in hops in a french-press, sours that are fermented with 100% Brett yeasts, pumpkin beers that bring in money for local non-profits, beers aged in rum barrels, beers made with ingredients from local hikes, I’ve had beers that are taken and aged five different ways, beers that were a collaboration between over ten Colorado breweries, and I’ve had some of the tastiest cask beers ever (I never did get to try those mushroom beers though). The beer that stands out above them all is Ska Brewing's Mexican Logger. To put it plainly, it’s the only one that made me realize that sometimes in my effort to try everything that is new and special, I miss out on the great beers that I can drink repeatedly, all night long while hanging out with my pals. This beer reminded me that sometimes beer is simply about drinking with friends, relaxing, and enjoying the end of a long day. It’s the only beer I bought consistently starting the day it was offered, and it’s the beer that inspired me to start buying beers that I had already enjoyed once before.Thanks to Alexi Grojean from Durango, CO for the awesome photo.  

Eric Steen

Eric founded Focus on the Beer in 2010. 


Clips of Faith Returns to Colorado Springs


Meet the Brewer: Thomas Larsen of Ska Brewing