Springs Brew News: Swing Releases, Space Beer and More

I've been wrestling with what to call the local event posts recently. I think I've settled on the Brew News, or Springs Brew News to be more specific. Here's where events and happenings will be posted for each week so you can find out where and when all the great beer will be flowing. This month is pretty special, with multitudes of beer releases, beer dinners, Space-themed beer festivals and more!

Wednesday, August 6

Brewer's Republic is hosting a Green Flash tapping with some great west coast IPA's and others from Green Flash. Tapping starts at 4. We'll be there!Also, 503W is hosting an Epic Brewing Pint night, where bombers are $6 and you get a pint glass while they have them! You know we love glassware...

Thursday, August 7

Meet the Brewer: River North Brewery. If you haven't heard about our Meet the Brewer series, here it is in a nutshell: we bring in some awesome breweries, put a bunch of their beers on tap, and let you hear about their beer directly from the horse's mouth. It's always a great time, and this week's event is no different. Head on over to Facebook to see what's going to be on tap.

Friday August 8

Space Foundation Beer Festival early bird discountSave money on Space Beer! Early Bird Discount Registration Ends August 8th!

Local Breweries, Brews and Space TechnologyWho knew beer was high-tech?!? Don't miss this special beer tasting event at the Discovery Center! Learn about how beer - yes beer - has gone high-tech, using space technology throughout the process, from planting barley to refrigeration, shipping and more.Local breweries will be here with top flight brews for your sampling pleasure. Purchase of a $24 bracelet gets you into the beer tasting and includes one complimentary admission to the Discovery Center. Our special partners at Beer Drinkers Guide to Colorado will be on hand to put this all in perspective, answer questions and show you why space technology makes better beer.

Trinity Brewing is releasing Easy Swinger, a barrel aged version of Red Swingline that was not inoculated with Lactobacillus. Expect some wild flavors, but less of the sour. They'll be releasing a different version of Swingline each week for the month of August. Swing Se Pilsner, Red Swingline, Double Swing upcoming.Nano 108 Brewing will be tapping a keg of Benny's Brass Ass California Common beer at 5:30.Rockyard Brewing in Castle Rock will be tapping "Lil' Bro" Homebrewer's Gone Wild Session IPA at 5:17pm! Josh was there for the brew session and we're excited to try it. 

Saturday August 9

Brewer's Republic will be hosting Upslope Brewing for their next beer dinner.Here's the menu:Upslope Pattersbier – Fried Cheese Curds with Rhubarb/Spiced Rum Gastrique.
Upslope Thai IPA – Ramen Salad with Sweet and Sour Chicken Stir Fry.
Upslope Belgian Pale – Heirloom Tomato and Watermelon Gazpacho.
Upslope Brown Ale – Barbacoa Beef Flat Bread Tacos with Guacamole, Mango Salsa and Spicy Fennel & Jicama Slaw.Upslope Blackberry Saison – Blackberry Fried Pie with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream.

Some longer term things upcoming:

Space Foundation is hosting their Rocket in my Beer fest on August 16. Tons of local breweries. Be there.Brewer's Republic's 4th Anniversary party is coming up...we'll have more details soonBristol Brewing's Busses at the Brewery is happening Aug. 30Bristol's Anniversary party September 6 


River North Meet the Brewer Photo Recap


Springs Beer Fest Recap