Pikes Peak Releases This Year's Local 5

Autumn sure seems to be a great time for community-focused beers here in Colorado Springs. With the Venetucci Pumpkin Ale release looming, Pikes Peak Brewing is doing their own part for our local firefighters.For the third year, they've partnered with the IAFF to put out Local 5 Pale Ale in cans, making this "pale ale with a purpose" widely available in the entire Pikes Peak region. Thanks to their shiny new Wild Goose 4-head canning system, the process was made even easier than in years past.Tonight, Pikes Peak Brewing's Local 5 will be released at Jack Quinn's downtown to help commemorate this year's Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial gathering which is running from the 17th to the 21st here in Colorado Springs. Look for it on tap around town and in 4-packs at various stores!

Here's Pikes Peak Brewing's press release about the collaboration:

Pikes Peak Brewing Co. is very proud to have been chosen to brew the Local 5 beer again in 2014. This “Pale Ale with a purpose” is brewed with and for the members of the Colorado Springs Professional Firefighters Association IAFF Local 5.

The proceeds from the sale of Local 5 Pale Ale assist the Colorado Springs Professional Firefighters with arranging travel for Local 5 members to attend the funerals of our heroes who have lost their lives in the line of duty across the nation. As host for the IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial in Colorado Springs, the Local 5 welcome firefighters from around the country each fall for a celebration of this ultimate sacrifice and service.

“We are pleased (about) our continued partnership with our dedicated friends at the Pikes Peak Brewing Company. “ says Jeremy Kroto, Colorado Springs Professional Firefighters Association IAFF Local 5 President. “We cannot thank Chris and the family at Pikes Peak Brewing Company enough for their tremendous dedication to assisting their local fire fighters with this solemn duty.” says Kroto.

“Last year the cans of Local 5 were so successful, our tap accounts asked us to make kegs available too! We started up our own canning line back in August, which gives us the flexibility to can seasonal brews such as the Local 5, as well as our regular flagship beers, the Elephant Rock IPA and Devil’s Head Red. So, with the help of some local firefighters, we will can this community brew on September 12,” says Chris Wright, Founder and Head Brewer at Pikes Peak Brewing Co.

The Local 5 Pale Ale will be released at Jack Quinns as a part of the IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial gathering in Colorado Springs on Monday, September 15. Local 5 will be available on tap at multiple restaurants and bars and in local liquor stores shortly after. Pikes Peak Brewing Company’s Monument taproom will have a local celebration of the release, during Monument Beer Week on September 17 at 7:00pm.


Pikes Peak Brewing Co. is an award-winning brewery in Monument, Colorado, dedicated to elevating the craft of beer. Our beers are full-flavored renditions of classic styles that are best enjoyed in the company of good friends. For more, visit PikesPeakBrewing.com.

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


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