Brew Love: The Blaugies/Hill Farmstead La Vermontoise
With the weather here in Colorado Springs quickly moving towards summer, I always look towards the lighter beers to quench my thirst. Now, before you start spreading rumors, that isn't to say I stock my fridge with Coors Light and Bud Light Lime. Some of my go-to styles are saisons and some sours when the weather gets hot and humid. This time around I saw something fun in Coaltrain Wine and Spirits' new Beer Cave and decided to give it a try.Historically, saisons were brewed in the cooler months, only to be brought out during the hot summer months. One brewery here in the US that is well known for brewing exceptional saisons is Hill Farmstead. Being that the usual brews barely make it out of Vermont, to see a Hill Farmstead logo on a bottle locally definitely sets it above the rest.
La Vermontoise was brewed at the Brasserie de Blaugies, a true family brewery in the heart of Belgium, by both Hill Farmstead brewers and Blaugies'. The resulting "connection" is a truly rustic, classic farmhouse ale. Each beer is bottle conditioned and cork and caged. With a subtle pop, the cork unleashes the brew. Pouring a straw-gold color, La Vermontoise is an active beer with high levels of carbonation, but not enough to become a gusher. With the high carbonation, there's tons of aromas floating up and out of this saison. The smell of straw, light citrus, and touch of funk play well with a little grassy hop aroma. There is a touch of sulfur and almost skunk, but it's very restrained. While I do love fussing over our beer, the flavor is where this beer shines.Each sip is balanced with light citrus and stone fruit flavors that fade to black peppery esters and coriander. Contrary to many of the saisons being produced stateside these days, this beer has very low tartness that hides almost completely within the inherent bite of Belgian yeast esters.While the bottle proclaims an "abundance of Amarillo hops," I'm left wanting just a bit more. As for the mouthfeel, this saison is brewed with spelt as well, contributing a healthy wheat-y flavor that helps keep the body from getting too thin and champagne-like.
For a sipper on a nice summer evening, if you see this sitting on the shelf give it a try. It's not going to wreck your palate or pucker you up, but we all need a break from the IPA's and Sours once in awhile. I'm pretty sure Coaltrain has a few more on their shelf, but you might see me with a couple bottles in hand next time, so don't waste too much time. Sitting on the front porch listening to crickets on a cool summer evening with only the company of an amazing beer has gotta be the definition of brew love. Cheers!