Smolder SMaSH Release: Fossil Brewing Collaboration with Front Range BBQ

This evening, Fossil Brewing released their latest in new beers, one week after their Sriracha Ridge debuted, a smoked rauchbier in collaboration with local BBQ joint Front Range. Josh and the gang at Fossil sent hundreds of pounds of Munich malt to Brian at Front Range, and the malt was custom smoked with their trademark wood. Fossil then brewed the beer with Hallertau hops and Bohemian Lager yeast.   The end result is an extremely drinkable smoke beer. Campfire and some sweetness hit your nose in the aroma, but the taste is all balance. Smoke and sweet malty notes float across your tongue ending with a delicious taste that almost resembles the aftertaste of s'mores. This beer is extremely limited, so get to Fossil soon to try it out. If you're brave while you're there you can also get some of the Sriracha IPA...but beware it's really close in taste to actual Sriracha. Cheers!

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


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