Our Bigger, Better, Beerier Great American Beer Festival

Well, the 2015 Great American Beer Festival is done and I'm looking forward to next year already. The Brewers Association promised it to be "Bigger, Better, Beerier" and it truly was.The addition of the "Meet the Brewer" section was incredible, offering the ability to talk to a brewery representative at any time. Paired was an excellent way to try amazing area restaurants paired with breweries from all over the country.Awards wise, a staggering 31 breweries won 36 medals in the competition, keeping Colorado right up there as one of the strongest brewery markets.My only complaint was the lack of Colorado Springs breweries at the festival. (Edit: Pikes Peak Brewing from Monument and Paradox in Divide were there. Thanks Chris Wright for bringing it up!)It was awesome to see Trinity Brewing win a very greatly deserved silver for Red Swingline, but other than that and Bristol (Pikes Peak and Paradox too) pouring on the floor, our budding beer scene was absent.Alright, on to what you're here for – pretty pictures. Here's our photos from Friday and Saturday's sessions:The media luncheon at Kevin Taylor's was a great way to start off the GABF experience.As we're seeing in Colorado Springs, brewpubs have quickly become the new wave of brewery openings, and the Brewers Association has helped develop a handbook to help new startups.Ran into this character at the entrance! David put on an excellent Beers Made By Walking event the preceding Wednesday!We made sure to hit up some of the heavy weights like Goose Island before the masses entered the convention hall.Soon, these floors would be filled with beer loving crazies. great-american-beer-festival-5Paradox had one of the more popular Pikes Peak region booths. Prior to their near-sweep in the sour category, The Rare Barrel was easily accessible at the back of the room...after the awards, they had a 50 person line at all times.The Farm to Table pavilion sported a new name but the same amazing pairings. "Paired" was definitely a hit.Can you spot the one mistake?It was amazing how some beers paired with oysters...Elevation had some amazing beers paired with duck and fish.It was amazing how some beers paired with oysters...Some of the volunteers even dressed up a bit.Two weeks removed from Ska's anniversary party, it was easy to find them on the floor.The Great American Beer Festival always brings out the great beer costumes!Congrats to Ska for their medals for Ska Face and Mexican Logger!Magnolia Brewing was easy to find with their dismembered hand and brewers boots hanging from their booth.The most extravagant booth definitely went to Uinta, who created a yurt of sorts in a fake forest. The most extravagant booth definitely went to Uinta, who created a yurt of sorts in a fake forest. Cans were definitely more apparent at the fest this year. These are from Odd13 up in Denver.Paradox's Skully #30 was definitely their hot ticket.For some reason Dad and Dudes had a humongous line all the time...I don't quite get it.Ran into Chad Quinn from Steamworks Brewing, who won a silver for their Colorado Kölsch.There were some incredible beers from Texas this year. In the new "Meet the Brewer" section, you could always find a brewery representative pouring samples. Wynkoop had an amazing hardwood booth this year...everyone seemed to pull out all the stops.great-american-beer-festival-29 great-american-beer-festival-30 great-american-beer-festival-31 great-american-beer-festival-32 great-american-beer-festival-33 great-american-beer-festival-34 great-american-beer-festival-35 great-american-beer-festival-36 great-american-beer-festival-37 great-american-beer-festival-38 great-american-beer-festival-39 great-american-beer-festival-40 great-american-beer-festival-42Freddy from SweetWatergreat-american-beer-festival-44 great-american-beer-festival-45 great-american-beer-festival-46 great-american-beer-festival-47 great-american-beer-festival-48 great-american-beer-festival-50 great-american-beer-festival-51Craft Beer.com's Andy Sparhawkgreat-american-beer-festival-53 great-american-beer-festival-54 great-american-beer-festival-55 great-american-beer-festival-56 great-american-beer-festival-57 great-american-beer-festival-58Recognize that red bandana on stage? The only Colorado Springs brewery to win a medal, Trinity Brewing's Jason Yester. Congrats Trinity and Jason! The Bruery looked like they bought all the inflatables from Walmart the day before the fest, but it was easy to find them!great-american-beer-festival-61Sam Calagione, possibly one of the most famous brewery owners, made daily appearances at the Dogfish Head booth.Tim from Dogfish Head speaks to PorchDrinking...we stole this shot.great-american-beer-festival-64 great-american-beer-festival-65 great-american-beer-festival-66 great-american-beer-festival-67 great-american-beer-festival-68 great-american-beer-festival-69 great-american-beer-festival-70Ernie from Team Richmond has his own way of holding his taster glass.Thomas from Ska had a bunch of bling around his neck.The guys from Bull and Bush proudly told me they were trying to be the first brewery 86'ed from GABF. They certainly were trying hard this year.great-american-beer-festival-76Cory Pelc from Porchdrinking giving us his best "bitter beer face"Desiree, Porchdrinking's photographer for the fest takes time to smile while interviewing Tim from Dogfish Head.Patrick Rue, in the red and blue, was over at the Rare Barrel booth offering congratulations after TRB nearly sweeping the American Style Sour category.great-american-beer-festival-85True class.great-american-beer-festival-87

 Oddly, there never was much of a line for the "King of Beers"... great-american-beer-festival-95
 We're not convinced that Small Town Brewery makes anything but flavored malt beverages...they do taste good, but GABF doesn't have a Four LOKO tent for a reason.When asking Small Town Brewery what base style they use: "It's proprietary" and "It's technically craft beer" were the common responses.


New Brewery Series: Triple S Brewing


Telluride Blues and Brews Uber Photo Recap