'Big Beer' Gives Back

I'm sure many of our readers expect that we limit our scope to craft beer and the adoration of smaller brewers, but we'd be absolutely remiss to not extend huge props to Colorado's own Coors Banquet beer not only for taking home the gold medal for American Style Lager or Light Lager at this year's GABF, but also for their continued work with charities that have a direct impact in our Western communities.  Let's be honest, when it comes to American Lagers...Coors is pretty much the best (not that we're biased, being from Colorado or anything).Coors Banquet recently wrapped a campaign that donated $.25 from each case of their beer sold in Western states (such as Colorado, Washington, Idaho, etc) to the Wildland Firefighter Foundation (WFF), up to $250,000.  The "Protect Our West" program has been in operation for a few years now, and donates the funds raised to assist the families of firefighters who have been killed or firefighters injured in the line of duty.  The total donation this year was $251,600 (with some extra cash donated from the Seattle Mariners).Cheers to Coors for helping those who help to keep Colorado and other Western states when wildfires strike! 


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