2015 Best of Beer: Most Anticipated Brewery

Last year, we went back and forth on how to include breweries who haven't yet opened their doors to the public. This year, the Most Anticipated Brewery category allowed those who were just on the cusp or in the process to take part. As our brewery scene keeps heating up, this will continue to be a popular category for next year and the following years!bestof-2015

Gold: Cerberus Brewing Co.

If you drive down Colorado Ave, you'll see that Cerberus has their sign up already. The three-headed dog motif serves their old building quite nicely. Last we've heard, they've begun the demolition and build-out phase, converting an old animal hospital into a full-fledged brew pub. Look for Cerberus to open in the first quarter of 2016 if everything continues to go smoothly.

Silver: Whistle Pig Brewing Company

In the past, if you mentioned Whistle Pig, we might have thought you had been talking Vermont whiskey, but soon it will mean beer. The Whistle Pig crew has been hard at work building their brewery, and we should see some great things from them very soon! Bonus: their patio has awesome views of Pikes Peak!

Bronze: 105W Brewing Company

As the only brewery in this category to actually open, 105W is the hot new place in Castle Rock to grab a pint of beer. With a cool no-tipping policy where any gratuity is donated to local nonprofits, the 105W crew is really putting their best foot forward from the get go. If you've been to the Castle Rock Homebrew shop, you know where to find them, as they've practically taken over that little shopping center! Congrats!Tomorrow, we'll start getting into some of the beer categories...stay tuned!

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


2015 Best of Beer: Breweries and Craft Beer Bars Part 1


2015 Best of Beer: Best New Brewery