2015 Best of Beer: Best New Brewery

2015 was surely a slower year for brewery openings, but last winter we saw some strong starts during the colder months. Best New Brewery was definitely a hotly contested category this year, with major lead changes happening almost every week. In the end, we think the voters have picked a very solid trio of breweries! bestof-2015

Gold: Storybook Brewing

With Pete's solid offerings of The Last Straw Berry Wheat and his Java Dragon Porter, Storybook Brewing has been on the forefront of most craft beer-lover's itinerary plans this past year. Each week, you can expect to run into at least one or two people from other breweries there as well. Congratulations to Pete and the crew at Storybook!

Silver: Gold Camp Brewing

We knew things were going to be good when we saw Gold Camp's doors open a few blocks south of Downtown. With Ben Wilder, their brewing maestro, behind the helm, you can expect quality beer no matter what flavors he's toying with. Most notably, their collaboration with the Sisterhood of the Suds, which culminated in an utterly delicious Kumquat Kölsch, had us lining up for pints until the kegs ran dry. Congrats!

Bronze: JAKs Brewing

We (sadly) haven't been out to JAKs since the month they first opened, but from what we hear through the grapevine, they're continuously cranking out good beer in Peyton week in and week out. With a captive audience who no longer has to drive 10-15 minutes for a beer literally right out their back door, JAKs has quickly become a favorite for the Northeast portion of Colorado Springs! Congrats!Tomorrow, we announce the Most Anticipated Brewery Opening...who's on everyone's radar this fall?We know you want the rest, but hang tight...we promise it will be worth it.Cheers!

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


2015 Best of Beer: Most Anticipated Brewery


2015 Best of Beer: The Voters