Brew Love: Ska Brewing Dementia...Aged and Confused
Yeah, I know the title sounds a bit weird to this post, but hang in there. We love this beer.While many people here in the Springs are enjoying the about-to-open Cerberus Brewing, we're sitting at home drinking this barrel-aged pale ale from Ska Brewing. Not many people barrel age a pale ale these days, but damn did Matt, Bill, and Dave do a fantastic job with this one. Yes, Oxford commas and all, plus some creative help most likely from head brewer Thomas, Dementia is a ridiculously good beer.If you're not familiar with Dementia, you're probably familiar with Euphoria, Ska's winter pale ale that gets gobbled up by fans every time it is released. Take Euphoria, barrel age it and you've got Dementia...the beer, right?
For those of you who like barrel-aged IPAs, this is a session beer for you. Coming in at around 6.2% ABV, it's an easy sipper, but not short on flavor. Tangerine, orange and a slight pine envelope your tastebuds at first, with bourbon, vanilla and oak taking over on the backend. The hops, the caramel, the's all good.For some reason, you can still find this beer in stores in Colorado Springs, so go get one and try it.Oh and congratulations to Ska Brewing for their 21st Anniversary on Saturday. 20 years was big, but now you're legal to drink. We're looking forward to covering the party! Cheers!