Breckenridge Big Beers Tickets Go On Sale Today!

Today, in just two short hours, tickets for the Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines Festival will go on sale. Don't miss the opportunity to attend one of Colorado's premiere beer festivals!We've been attending religiously since 2011, so let's take a look through our time machine at all the fun times!

2011: Part 1, Part 2


2013, Photo recap

2015: Experimental brewing sessionJudging Beers

2016: Day 1, Day 2

As you can see, we have had a ton of fun in Vail. We're hoping Breckenridge will be just as enjoyable this coming January.[x_button shape="square" size="mini" float="none" block="true" href="" title="Head over to Big Beers' website" target="blank" info="none" info_place="top" info_trigger="hover"]Click here for tickets[/x_button] Here's the schedule for 2017:

Thursday, January 5th Schedule

Thursday (6–9 pm)This is our opportunity to thank all of the breweries and importers who make this weekend possible. Our third annual Brewers Reception will be held in the Breckenridge Ballroom with much fun and camaraderie. BSG Craft Brewing is sponsoring the event, and we thank the brewers for donating libations for the festivities. This is a closed event; brewers and importers only.Thursday Evening (7:30 pm)The Seventeenth Anniversary Big Beers Festival Weekend opens in traditional Big Beers style! Enjoy a double beer pairing dinner with fantastic creations from both Avery and Dogfish Head at each course. Adam Avery will once again be hosting the Calibration Dinner with Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head, and Executive Chef Phil Dilks & the Beaver Run culinary team will join the fun for the first time this year. See the Calibration Dinner page for further information.

 (Use your arrow keys or click the "Next" button for subsequent days)

Friday, January 6th Schedule

Friday Morning (8:30 am–noon)This is the opportunity to bone up on your knowledge of everything about beer & brewing at our Cicerone Workshop. The Cicerone Team will be here to lead this morning workshop! And thanks to All About Beer Magazine, our signature sponsor for this event, the $99 fee per person will be waived.Take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity in Breckenridge! For more information, see the Seminars page.Friday Morning (9:30 am–noon)The first session of the American Homebrewers Association-sanctioned Belgians, Barleywines and Strong Ales Homebrew Competition. This event is a judging by a select judging panel for entries registered in advance. For more information about the competition, see the Homebrew Competition page. Spectators and interested parties are welcome to attend, although participation is by prior arrangement only.Friday Afternoon (12:00–1:00 pm)Our Welcome Reception will be featuring the following breweries: (To Be Determined). Each brewery will be showcasing a beer of their choice with a food pairing designed by Exec Chef Phil and his culinary team at Beaver Run Resort & Conference Center. In addition to tasting, the Welcome Reception also offers the opportunity to hobnob with some of the most innovative brewers in the world. Guests attending multiple weekend events, Volunteers, Judges, Brewers and Brewery Representatives are welcome to drop in.Friday Afternoon (1:00 pm)The second session of the American Homebrewers Association-sanctioned Belgians, Barleywines and Strong Ales Homebrew Competition. This event is a judging by a select judging panel for entries registered in advance. For more information about the competition, see the Homebrew Competition page. Spectators and interested parties are welcome to attend, although participation is by prior arrangement only.Friday Afternoon (2:30 pm)This is your opportunity to become a Certified Cicerone! The Cicerone Team will be administering the Certified Cicerone Exam to interested parties who have passed the online Certified Beer Server exam. For more information, see the Seminars page.Friday Afternoon (4:30–6:00 pm)Our Small Plates & Craft Beer Pairing event will be held off-site at Ember Restaurant. The two Brewmasters/Owner teams featured for this dinner are Chris Trogner of Tröegs Independent Brewing and Fred Bueltmann of New Holland Brewing Co. John Holl, Editor of All About Beer Magazine, will be your Master of Ceremonies. See the Small Plates Pairing page for further information.Friday Evening (6:00–7:00 pm) presents Beer and Food Experience with Chef Adam Dulye and Julia Herz. Foodies and beer geeks unite while we help tune your inner pairing guide during this unique and cutting edge demonstration. Get ready to enjoy craft beers from small and independent U.S. brewers along with a strategic pairing plate of locally sourced ingredients representing the basic tastes of sweet, salt, sour, bitter and umami while we take your palate and mind on a ride. See the Seminars page for further information.Friday Evening (7:30 pm)The Big Beers, Belgians & Barleywines Traditional Brewmasters’ Dinnerhighlighting our 2017 Featured Brewmasters Phil Leinhart, Brewmaster of Brewery Ommegang and Florian Kuplent, Co-Owner/Brewmaster at Urban Chestnut Brewing Co. Join us for a second evening of double beer pairing fun! See the Brewmasters’ Dinner page for further information.Friday Evening (10 pm–midnight)Cigar Pairing Experience – Join us for cigars and great craft beer with Paul Gatza of the Brewers Association and Greg & Bridgette Geiger. Experiment with various pairings and visit with Clay Carlton of Palma Cigars and your hosts behind the featured pairings. No ticket required for this event, and no formal presentation. Come and go as you like. Bring a jacket for smoking cigars outside. See the Seminars page for further information.

Saturday, January 7th Schedule

Saturday Morning (9:30–11:30 am)One of the many highlights of our Big Beers Festival Weekend: our Experimental Brewing Seminar, titled “Brewing Outside of the Box: Brewers Gone Wild!”The topic for this year’s seminar is “Experimenting with Local Maltsters”. Jason Cody of Colorado Malting Co. and Chad Yakobson of Crooked Stave Artisan Beer Project will be among the panelists. David Edgar will lead the charge for this crazy panel and try to keep them under control. See the Seminars page for further information.Saturday Morning (10–11 am)The Yoga of Brewing: Discover yogic wisdom and practices to enhance your skill as both a brewer and a consumer of amazing beer. This session is the perfect way to prepare your body, mind, and soul to receive the outstanding selection of beers coming your way throughout the day. Join Rachel Ponce of Bend Yoga & Movement Studio for this experiential session. No yoga experience, mat, or yoga pants required! Roll out of bed for your first – and most unique – pairing of the day. See the Seminars page for further information.Saturday First Session Seminars (12:00 pm– 12:50 pm)

  • Brewmasters Seminar Track: “Brewing Strong Beers of Belgian & German Origin” by Phil Leinhart, Brewmaster for Brewery Ommegang & Florian Kuplent, Co-Owner/Brewmaster of Urban Chestnut Brewing Co. See the Seminars page for further information.
  • Technical Seminar Track: “Discovering Fruit & Fruit Flavors in Brewing” by Steven Pauwels, Boulevard Brewing Co. See the Seminarspage for further information.
  • Sensory Workshop Track: “Brewing With Exotic Fruit & Vegetables” with John Holl, Editor, All About Beer Magazine. Panelists to be announced. See the Seminars page for further information.
  • Random Track: ““Unearthing Ancient Styles” by Aaron Heaton of Grimm Brothers Brewhaus with panel including Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery and Tony Simmons of Pagosa Brewing Co. Additional panelists to be announced. See the Seminars page for further information.

Saturday Second Session Seminars (1:15 pm– 2:05 pm)

  • Brewmasters Seminar Track: “Ommegang & Urban Chestnut Collaborations” by Florian Kuplent, Co-Owner/Brewmaster of Urban Chestnut Brewing Co. & Phil Leinhart, Brewmaster of Brewery Ommegang. See the Seminars page for further information.
  • Technical Seminar Track: “Brewery Terroir” by Jeffrey Stuffings of Jester King Brewery, Chase Healey of American Solera, Phil Markowski of Two Roads Brewing Co., and TBD. See the Seminars page for further information.
  • Sensory Workshop Track: “Topic TBD” by Dr. Bill Sysak, Stone Brewing Co. See the Seminars page for further information.
  • Random Track: “The Science of Contentious Big Beers: Our Love/Hate Relationship with Bitter and Sour” by Dr. Nicole Garneau, Flavor Lab, LLC. See the Seminarspage for further information.

Saturday Afternoon (2:30–6:00 pm) The Commercial Tasting portion of the Big Beers Festival begins at 2:30 pm and continues through until 6:00pm. This international tasting is open to the public and showcases over 400 different commercially produced specialty beers from around the world.Saturday Afternoon (3:30 pm)Saturday’s Commercial Tasting event includes the Homebrew Competition Awards Presentation.

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


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