Smiling Toad is Primed to Provide an Un-frog-ettable Experience

Before you go banging down their door, the Toad is not open, but the time draws ever near.

We were able to enjoy a preview of the space along with friends and family and can report they’ll be open by their anniversary in May. We enjoyed sampling the ever-popular IPa Freely and Commando Queen, as well as their newly-renamed OCC Pale Ale.

The new Toad boasts 20 taps and an expanded bar seating area, as well as multiple options for seating on the main level and mezzanine. For those of you who recognize some of the furnishings, Biff scored an incredible deal on some old Giuseppe’s chairs, so you can take a trip down memory lane!

When will they open?

Soon, but not quite yet. They have a few more inspections to complete before the doors will be unlocked and the public invited in. Biff and Patti made it clear if you see the paper on the windows taken down and an open sign lit, you’ll know it’s time. We’ll let you know too.

Here’s some photos from our preview of the space:


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