Tickets for 2020 Big Beers On Sale in Two Weeks
The Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines festival is easily our favorite festival of all time. Coupling top-notch education with exemplary beer and access to some of the industry greats, this festival is one not to miss.
The Brew Brothers of Pikes Peak aren’t scared of a little sensory exercise…
Breckenridge, CO – The Big Beers 20 Year Reunion will celebrate two decades of the Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines Festival in fine fashion this January, treating attendees to beers created and poured by Featured Brewmaster Alumni from 2001 - 2020. In addition to the Big Beers 20th Anniversary festivities, the team is rolling out new ticketing options and a VIP Lounge to honor the occasion. Held at Beaver Run Resort and Conference Center in Breckenridge, CO January 9 – 11, event tickets will go on sale Wednesday, September 4 at 10am MDT. A single exception, the deluxe Colorado VIP Pass, will launch on Tuesday, September 3 at 10am MDT from the event’s website [].
From early pioneers such as Adam Avery [Avery Brewing Co., 2005] and Brian Dunn [Great Divide Brewing Co., 2007] to more recent features including Phil Leinhart [Brewery Ommegang, 2017] and Cory King [Side Project Brewing, 2018] , well-known and celebrated brewmasters are returning to Big Beers to share stories and pay tribute to this small, well-respected festival in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.
“Big Beers earned its place as one of the best festivals in the country by creating a weekend that brewers love. The fantastic brewers who came brought their friends back with them, which gave us amazing talent for seminars, savvy brewers who were interested in working with chefs on pairing dinners, ground-breaking beers at all events, and a special camaraderie that is rare.”
Several Featured Brewmaster Alumni will be leading educational seminars for the 2020 festival weekend. John Mallett [Bell’s Brewery, 2012] will be discussing “Malt: The Dark Side”, Jeffrey Stuffings [Jester King Brewery, 2018] will be taking the helm for the Experimental Brewing Seminar exploring advances and managing new techniques of combining variables in yeast, barrels, fruit, and blending, and Steven Pauwels [Boulevard Brewing Co., 2011] will be leading the discussion about technical and philosophical innovations in Belgian beer styles.
In addition to the 20 Year Reunion, which will share twenty years of historical posters, programs, and menus alongside a blend of European and American desserts and a who’s who of brewers on Friday night, the Big Beers team is introducing three levels of VIP Passes this year.
The Colorado VIP Pass encompasses all three days of events, including seats at the Traditional Brewmasters’ Dinner featuring Neil Fisher of WeldWerks and Troy Casey of Casey Brewing and Blending plus unprecedented access to the Brewers Reception amongst other benefits. The Social VIP Pass includes the Friday night 20 Year Reunion in addition to Saturday access privileges, while the Saturday VIP Pass offers the bells and whistles of early admission to the Commercial Tasting plus the opportunity to enjoy the VIP Lounge.
The VIP Lounge offers a respite from the Commercial Tasting, including soft seats and private restrooms while enjoying the fireplace and a mountain view. VIPs will also have the option to create their own cheese pairings with a few unique beers not shown at the Commercial Tasting and go home with special glassware and wearables.
For more information about the Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines Festival, including a full schedule of events and ticketing details, peruse the festival’s website at or contact Big Beers Executive Director, Laura Lodge, at
Featured Photo by The Brewtography Project