WeldWerks Pulls Plug on COS Taproom

Courtesy WeldWerks Brewing Company Facebook

Amid delays and COVID, it kept looking bleaker and bleaker for WeldWerks to finish building their Colorado Springs location. Walls were starting to go up, but progress was slow. The building they bought was wrought with issues, requiring major demolition, and throughout their process they were hit with regulatory and supply chain issues, which hindered any progress they could have made.

We appreciate WeldWerks looking to Colorado Springs in the first place, and while we’re sad to see they’re pulling the plug, we totally get it.

We’ve reached out to their crew to see if we can get any extra info.

Here’s the brewery’s official statement (from Facebook)

After careful consideration and upon exhausting every other viable option, we have decided to permanently cease construction on the Colorado Springs property. We share in your disappointment as the Colorado Springs location has been something that we have been diligently working on, and very excited about, for over three years.⁠

This project has experienced significant delays from the onset, some of which were inadvertent byproducts of our design and project decisions, but the vast majority of which were completely out of our control. Supply chain constraints and labor shortages due to COVID-19 further delayed the timeline and drastically increased the overall budget for the project. ⁠

In the midst of this, through the course of over three years, we reached the limit of our production capacity in our current brewhouse much faster than anticipated, increasing barrelage by more than 100%. As a result, expanding our brewing operations became a necessity and over a year ago, we started working on a plan for a 30-bbl brewhouse and production expansion to meet both current and future demands.⁠

After exhausting every possible option to keep both projects going, we determined it was in the best interest of the brewery, our staff, and patrons to direct all of our efforts and resources towards increasing production capacity at the Greeley location and transition away from the taproom project in Colorado Springs. Fortunately, we will not have to make any personnel changes as a result of this decision.⁠

It was always our intention to put our roots down in a second community that inspires us, but we hope you’ll understand that in order to continue to provide the best quality and experience that we always strive to do at WeldWerks—we had to make this difficult decision. ⁠

We appreciate your support and understanding.


An Ode to Mexican Logger


Firk-yeah, Firkin Rendezvous was a shockingly great time!