2015 Best of Beer: The Voters

Well another year of voting has come and gone, and we're deep in the muck of digging through your votes to crown the winners this year...but first, the easier part: seeing who all voted!This year, we went with trusty old Google and their forms to host the voting, and while we saw more quality votes, we did see a drop in total number of votes...which also means there was less ballot stuffing. There were no thousands of votes cast in a single day for breweries, so sorry to whoever wanted to try that. All in all, we think it's a great turnout of highly opinionated voters!With from 500-1000 individual votes in some categories, there's a lot for us to go through. Voters were submitting votes right up until the eleventh hour of this one! I know we recommended drinking while voting, but we didn't mean to have your grammar and spelling suffer because of it! That's a joke, don't cease and desist us or call us out on Twitter.We do want to extend our biggest thank you to you the voters, who are the heart and soul of this contest. An extra thank you goes out to the breweries who shared and got their fans interested in it. We love you all.Spelling differences are proving the most difficult, and Ryan's method of drinking beer while using Excel is proving maddening. Please excuse our silence about the winners for a few more days...Monday's the day. You heard it here first: the winners will be announced Monday. Prizes (actually just pieces of paper that say what you won) will be distributed next week.To kick off our very non-scientific (we can't stress that enough it seems like) poll, we crown our most diligent voter:Who took advantage of the "vote every day" ability? It looks like Jon Teisher leads that category with 18 votes on 18 different days. There were quite a few people who were in the 13-16 mark, but JT is unwavering in his dedication to helping crown his favorites. Luckily, there's other votes though. 

Focus on the Beer

This article was written by the entire Focus on the Beer staff.


2015 Best of Beer: Best New Brewery


Rocky Mountain Brewery hosts Vets, Pets and Brews Dec. 11